The Fine Line Between Relationship and Abuse

S Hasan Alavi
3 min readJan 30, 2021

Yes, you should be honest, supportive, caring, loving, giving, encouraging, respectful, trustworthy and may give your very best, your whole self to the second person even when they aren't giving the same, but know that, something really important, something that defines the difference between relationship and abuse, first when it comes to self respect, fall back, do not jeopardize yourself, your well-being and the second most important thing, do not keep giving your all for a long time, when you see other not giving the least requirement to be in a relationship with you, tell that person, communicate, and wait for a little while, but if you don't get what you deserve stop putting your efforts to mud, cut those people off. Know your worth. Know that relationships are mutual. I am not talking about soul mates, I am talking about each and every relation one may have on this earth.

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Yes give your best, give your all but with two conditions:
1- You are getting what you deserve or the same you are investing.
2- Without losing your self respect

Well today, we may see abuse everywhere, there are very few examples around us which can be mapped as relationship rather than an abuse.

There is also an other dimension to this topic. We can see around that there are people who ask, ask and ask in the name of RIGHTS, they say this or that is our right so give it to us with knowing that they aren't providing you with the same and sometimes exceed the limit of the right they actually have, well know that, that's a bully, I mean it, a BULLY!, but we would end up giving our all because we really love and when they get used to it, they will kept using us, and to be honest this isn't a relationship.

In the name of relationship, parents do abuse their children physically and sometimes they are making life decisions of their children even when are grown up, after 13 years of age, he/she should be taking responsibility and making their own decisions, yeah parents should guide and help them, suggests them but should stop abusing them. You would see children abusing their parents by taking and not giving, you would see a girl/boy being forcefully married to someone in the name of parents respect or some stupidity like that. It should be stopped. You would see husband making his wife or daughter, or in laws making them their servants, you would see the extremes in each and every relationship. there should be a balance .…. and that can only be defined by that fine line between relationship and abuse.

Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash

So don't be the abuser, never, if you are, make things right, be a giver, apologize, rectify yourself. And if you are a victim, know your value, your worth that God has given you, rectify the situation or leave those relationships which are destroying you from inside. If you are unable to find a way, find a psychiatrist, a therapist, a counselor, or someone loyal, tell them your story, you would be guided. Its important for you, for the family you may have in future, for their future and yours, for the wellbeing. It is never too late, make things right. You!, yeah YOU deserve better, and you shouldn't be an abuser.

